Appointments, information and home visits 01636 892090 and appointments 01636 611133

Ear Wax Extraction

Clearer Hearing Begins with Clean Ears
A crucial aspect for individuals of all ages in ensuring optimal hearing aid fitting and hearing protection.

While ear wax isn't something visible on your own, it can significantly impact your ability to experience clear, quality hearing.

The importance of clean ears

The success of fitting hearing aids or providing hearing protection is heavily reliant on clean ears. Impression-taking, an essential step in these processes, necessitates wax-free ears. At times, the presence of ear wax can hinder the completion of a full hearing test, emphasising the importance of addressing any wax buildup.

If wax buildup is identified, we have various solutions at hand to facilitate its safe removal. This might involve a referral to a general practitioner (GP) or a private service specialising in wax extraction. Before undertaking any extraction, it's essential to soften the wax. We recommend using various solutions to prepare the ear before any syringing process to ensure a smoother and more effective procedure.

In partnership with The Clean Ear Company

Alternatively, we are partnered with an experienced and proficient medical professional who specialises in ear wax extraction, The Clean Ear Company. This collaboration significantly reduces the waiting time for your ears to be cleansed and enables a swift and efficient process for individuals in need of hearing aids or hearing protection.

By utilising Alison and her expertie, we streamline the process, allowing you to proceed promptly with your hearing aid or hearing protection. This not only reduces the waiting time but also ensures that you receive the necessary care and attention to facilitate a smooth transition into improved hearing.

You can book an appointment with Alison by visiting her website:

A personalised service

Michael and Ann are committed to ensuring that you receive the best care and attention for your hearing needs. We encourage you to take the first step towards clearer hearing by contacting us through our contact form below or by reaching out to Michael and Ann directly on our phone number.

Don't let ear wax impede your hearing experience – let us help you on your journey to clearer, more vibrant sound

Frequently asked questions

Hearing aid costings

All hearing aids are programmed and fitted to the individuals personal prescription and depending on the type of loss, personal requirements and choice of different models and range of accessories. Secondly, having had a full hearing test and consultation it then becomes easier to be able to confirm the final costings.

Payment terms

By cheques, cash, bank transfer, card or credit terms.


For disabled people parking is outside the shop or Appletone Gate car park which is approximately two minutes' walk to the shop

Home visits

Not everyone is able to visit the shop therefore we are hapy to do home visits by request or even at the weekends if necessary

Make a consultation enquiry

If you would like to come and see Michael or arrange a call back, please fill in the below enquiry form and we will give you a call as soon as possible.

Visit JD Opticians (opposite Palace Theatre) for your private consultation

Appointments available every Tuesday morning but other appointments by requests for your free hearing test, professional consultation and see a range of different hearing aids and accessories best suited for your individual needs.

We also undertake home visits throughout the area by request or if necessary weekend or evening visits.

For appointments, information or home visits contact 01636 892090 or 01663 611133
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